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CBD and Your Pets

As many pet owners can attest to, a pet is a member of your family.  You only want the safest and most effective treatment for your family. How do CBD and Pets get along?

Often times finding the best treatment options for your furry family members can be tough going and quite stressful.

If you’re a dog owner you probably already know that, in specific instances, your pooch can be given the same medications as their owner.  This is because the biological homology between humans and dogs is remarkably similar, up to 70% in fact.

For example, some over-the-counter medications such as Imodium, Benadryl, and Pepto-Bismol are deemed safe for cats and dogs. In some situations, veterinarians will even prescribe stronger controlled substances used by humans, such as Xanax, to help anxious dogs.

However, just as we as a society are becoming more conscious about big pharma and the chemicals we put into our bodies, we’re also becoming more aware of similar concerns regarding our pets.

Without a doubt, it can be crushing to watch your pet suffering. Add in concerns of scary side effects from medications and possible complications, and it’s a downright distressing situation.

Natural relief is where CBD really shines. Without introducing harmful chemical compounds or side-effect inducing medications, we can safely help our beloved pets live a healthier and happier life while treating their conditions naturally.


How does CBD work?

CBD (Cannabidiol) works by producing an advantageous effect on molecular pathways in the body’s endocannabinoid system.

In a nutshell, the endocannabinoid system (ECS) is an ever-important biological system that helps regulate a variety of processes throughout the nervous system. The endocannabinoid system, also known as the ECS, is responsible for pain sensation, memory, mood, and even immune function, to name a few.

The links between the ECS and both cognitive and physiological function are apparent in both human and pets.

While the body creates endocannabinoids itself, research has shown that adding CBD into a daily regimen, actually influences the ECS to generate more cannabinoids, therefore running more efficiently. A high-functioning ECS can bring about relief from a multitude of ailments.

CBD is by no means a new form of treatment for a plethora of conditions, it has, however, recently gained popularity possibly due to the influx of marijuana legalization, whether medically or recreationally, in many states.

Before we dive in further, one thing to keep in mind is that CBD is vastly different from marijuana. The link is made from how CBD is made. CBD is an extract that can be derived from two sources; either from hemp or marijuana.

CBD is unique as it offers many benefits without any psychoactive effects as it lacks the active compound THC. Because CBD lacks the intoxicating and cognitive effects, it is ideal for those looking for relief with little to no side effects, especially when in the case of treating animals.

Just as CBD offers a multitude of benefits for humans, its’ advantages for pets is just as impressive.


A Few Considerations for CBD and Pets

According to Gary Richter, DVM, dogs, in particular, have more receptors in their endocannabinoid system, making them much more sensitive to THC. For this reason, it’s essential to choose a product that contains very little to no THC.

Although CBD is just now gaining popularity, especially within the veterinary field, there’s still a long way to go regarding research. This can make finding tried-and-true dosing recommendations a bit tricky.  It’s always best practice to start with a very low dose and increase if necessary.

According to James Gaynor DVM, DACVA, DACVPM, it’s important to start at a low dose, .05mg for dogs and .025mg for cats, and monitor your pets’ reaction.

While considered to be safe for dogs, cats, horses, rabbits and other animals, CBD is not yet recommended for fish and reptiles.




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